TAKWEEN Sedres Chemicals Solutions Co.
+966 53 911 5507


The importation of Reagents for Analytical and Process equipment in Saudi Arabia is quite difficult due to the required permits and documentation.  Most of the time, the cost of the reagents skyrockets due to the shipment mode (Dangerous Goods packing) and the cost of demurrage. Moreover, the stability of the reagents also gets compromised due to the shipping conditions, storage, and long exposure to heat and other elements while awaiting release from the Custom.  Sedres Chemicals Solutions Co. has the capability to partner with Equipment companies to produce their reagents under ...

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Commercially available chemicals may require several steps to prepare in order to use them in the Laboratory.  This preparation involves dilution with hazardous solvents or chemicals and the need for standardization.  Consequently, these activities will require more manhours, additional chemicals, and exposure of laboratory personnel to hazardous chemicals. Sedres Chemicals Solutions Co. has the expertise and equipment to produce custom-made reagents for various applications. Custom-made solutions can be used in a wide range of applications, including research, academe, and qualit...

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Reagents and Chemicals are being used in laboratory analyses to produce a reaction and this property can decrease over time (affected by: e.g. storage temperature, exposure to air, or sunlight). When Reagents expire as per the manufacturer's COA,  it is a must to verify their efficacy before using them in the laboratory to ensure accurate and reliable results. Sedres Chemicals Solutions Co. laboratory has the capability to re-validate the efficacy of the reagents for their intended purposes.  Revalidation using established testing protocols that are specific to the type of rea...

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